Travel & Hospitality

Impact guest visit frequency, spend and brand preference with highly integrated automated marketing campaigns.

With rising costs, shrinking margins and increased competition, there has never been a more competitive time to be in the travel and hospitality business.

Hotels, airlines and travel agents are facing a series of challenges driving a need for improved marketing to impact guest visit frequency, bill spend and brand preference.

The team at Taguchi has extensive experience in understanding the digital marketing and automation needs of companies in the travel and hospitality industry because they have both worked in the industry and have implemented and currently support a number of comprehensive marketing automation programs for industry leaders.

We understand how the business works, the types of data it has, the programs and systems in place and we know how to leverage these to make the most out of email marketing and marketing automation. We also understand the operational limitations (staff turnover, limited/distressed inventory) that are key to this industry.

Whether you are an airline, hotel chain, travel agency franchise group or an Online Travel Agent (OTA), Taguchi has the industry and technical knowledge and experience to implement highly integrated automation programs.

Some benefits of Taguchi for travel and hospitality include:
  • Establish and grow automated client experience programs using passenger and guest reservation data to maximise cross sell and up sell opportunities and improve customer service
  • Use real-time Dynamic Optimisation to increase sales and maximise ROI
  • Deliver timely and effective communication that is driven by customer needs to improve loyalty.
  • Help hotels or airlines increase direct bookings and avoid OTA fees through dynamic content based on subscriber past purchase behaviour.

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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