Customer Lifetime Value

Determine the true value of your subscriber base and predict contact strategy effectiveness over the life of a customer.

Growing customer lifetime value (CLV) is essential to health of an organisation and a key success metric for many companies.

Knowing exactly how much revenue customers generate through their lifetime with your company can inform marketing investment in acquisition, engagement and retention.

Using automated predictive modelling, Taguchi can help you understand and maximise the true value of your subscriber database. Based on our sophisticated predictive modelling algorithm, Taguchi automatically analyses your database and can accurately predict how effective your contact strategy will be over your subscribers’ lifetime. This enables you to make more informed business decisions around future subscriber acquisition, retention and recency, frequency, monetary (RFM) value strategies.

Database wide and list reporting metrics:

  • Predicted engagement
  • Predicted conversions
  • Predicted total value

Subscriber level reporting metrics are also available:

  • Engagement frequency
  • Conversion recency
  • Predicted lifetime value
  • Contact frequency

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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