Marketing Automation

Manage campaigns from end to end and contact your prospects at just the right time in the digital journey.

  • Manage digital marketing campaigns end to end
  • Automate customer communications across the entire customer journey
  • Use multichannel triggers to interact with clients based on their preferences

Marketing automation helps marketing teams better manage highly repetitive tasks such as the sending of emails. It helps improve business productivity and revenue growth. Most marketers agree the biggest benefits of automation are about saving time and improving customer engagement.

The powerful Taguchi platform helps organisations of all sizes, from all industries to ensure you contact your prospects at just the right time in the digital journey. We make it easy to send personalised, 1:1, highly targeted messages, making your communication stronger.

From their first introduction to your business through every identified touch point, Taguchi can be seamlessly integrated with multiple communication channels based on customer preferences – from a contact clicking a link in an email all the way to viewing a page on your blog.

Taguchi’s sophisticated software handles both B2B and B2C organisations, whether they have very simple communication requirements, right through to complex franchise organisations managing multiple brands and channels to market.

See how you could welcome new and engage with existing customers with Taguchi

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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