
A range of automated e-commerce functions and integration options with leading e-commerce platforms.

  • Create personalised online experiences for your customers
  • Combine online interactions with offline purchase behaviour
  • Get a comprehensive view of your customer

Taguchi provides a range of automated e-commerce functions for your business, including a number of integration options with leading e-commerce platforms. Integrations include API, web hooks, automated file transfer or direct database access.

Taguchi provides standard and custom web tracking code to track website behaviour which can be used for re-targeting purposes. We also provide standard cart abandonment tracking code and plugins.

E-commerce Automation examples:
  • Shopping Cart Abandonment
  • Win back / lapsed re-targeting programs
  • Post purchase receipts
  • Order tracking and management
  • Digital gift vouchers

E-commerce reporting examples:
  • Online vs offline conversion reporting
  • Custom product reporting
  • Path to purchase insights
  • Customer website behavioural insights

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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