Easily manage outbound and inbound SMS campaigns with Taguchi.

Taguchi can manage both outbound and inbound SMS campaigns, either standalone or as part of a fully integrated multichannel campaign.

It’s a trend that businesses - including hair salons, gyms, clothing stores, restaurants and hotels - are increasingly tapping into to improve results for their marketing efforts. SMS is effective because it’s personal and fast.

The Taguchi system makes it easy to send marketing messages by connecting to SMS gateways and providing an SMS Smart Template that can be activated by either manual broadcast or API triggers.

Outbound SMS campaign benefits
  • Delivers to any handset
  • Gets delivered when you decide
  • Can be personalised using dynamic content

Inbound SMS applications
  • Acquisition campaigns
  • Competitions
  • Boost subscriptions when integrated with webforms

97 per cent of SMS messages get opened. Most are opened within three minutes of receipt, with 83 per cent opened within the hour.

1 Conversational Advertising, mobileSQUARED and SinglePoint

SMS service options

Taguchi offers two types of SMS service, which carry two different deliverability performance and price points


Hybrid Gateway Delivery

This option uses a combination of local and international gateways via that are integrated with the Taguchi® system to deliver messages. It is generally used for general bulk message delivery where some delivery time variation is acceptable.


Premium Gateway Delivery

This is a highly reliable SMS solution and uses Taguchi® integration via a local Australian provider with direct connections to major phone carriers. This service can be used for bulk message delivery and is recommended where timely message delivery (e.g. transactions confirmation) is a priority.

Multi-channel marketing campaigns with SMS

Marketers know that the best way to interact and communicate with customers and prospects is through using a variety of channels and media.

All of an organisation’s channels and customer touch points must be integrated to convey a consistent and personalised experience that is meaningful and relevant to the customer and in the case of direct marketing it must be above all, timely.

With Taguchi, you can create a seamless cross-channel campaign experience that combines to create a highly targeted and effective communication for your customers and prospects.

Taguchi Taguchi Paths® will guide you through your journey and enable you to communicate to your customers on a personal basis based on business rules you determine for each message, each channel, and each customer.

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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