Campaign Management

Our experienced campaign management team can manage your campaigns on an ad hoc or ongoing basis.

The Taguchi platform enables you to easily take care of your digital marketing in-house. However, we understand there are times where you simply don’t have the time or the resources to execute campaigns, so our dedicated campaign management team can manage the process for you on an ad hoc or ongoing basis.

We offer three levels of campaign management services:

  • Incubation:Use our team to kick off your campaign and create process documentation for you, with the view of bringing it back in-house at a suitable time. We’ll record everything we do and create comprehensive training documents so next time your staff will be able to easily recreate your campaigns in-house
  • Overflow:This service allows for a temporary handover of campaign management where we will manage the process for you from brief to deployment.
  • Full-outsource:This service follows a highly structured process where a dedicated campaign management team within Taguchi creates and deploys all your campaigns for you.
With each of these services, we will undertake a range of services including:
  • Co-ordinate the briefs
  • Create the campaign
  • Proof and test
  • Manage approvals and scheduling
  • Deploy the campaign
  • Provide post campaign reporting

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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