
With Taguchi it’s easy to create, execute and track powerful email campaigns.

From increased sales to better brand awareness, email marketing is a cost effective way to reach your audience and drive results for your business.

Exceptional email campaigns must be personalised, attractive, and present cleanly on any device.

Whether it’s a highly personalised and segmented email broadcast to a million customers or specific one-to-one offers selected as part of a comprehensive customer automation strategy, Taguchi® makes it easy to create, execute and track your email campaigns.

1-to-1 Email Marketing

Reduce the time you spend creating emails. Our highly customisable Taguchi Smart Template® provides a simple drag-and-drop content manipulation system that minimises the pre-deployment and testing processes.

The Smart Template can also be customised to automate content production, presentation, personalisation and segmentation.

These unique features, along with a multi-editor centralised workflow management environment, dramatically simplify production, freeing up your time to focus more on campaign analysis and strategy.

With Taguchi, you get all the features you expect from an automated marketing platform plus a whole lot more.

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Features include
  • Drag-and-drop system with extensive functionality
  • Dynamic content and conditional logic
  • Same interface for broadcast 1-to-1 and automated 1-to-1 Taguchi Paths triggers
  • Mobile responsive
  • Dynamic multivariate testing optimisation
  • Content segmentation
  • Raw HTML options
  • Sophisticated ISP deliverability
  • Auto email client rendering
  • Run check (pre-flight check), throttle rate adjustment
  • Many more

Easily create personalised email content segmented for your subscribers and apply dynamic content to create 1-to-1 relationships with each one of your customers.

Taguchi Paths Triggers

Easily build and incorporate personalised automated email triggers as part of your customer journeys. Create a seamless cross-channel campaign experience for your subscribers whilst connecting with them in a meaningful way.

Mobile Responsive

The Taguchi Smart Template® fits to every screen. This means you create your email once, and Taguchi® optimises it to the screen it’s being opened on.


If you want to try something new, you can write up your own HTML email and send it from Taguchi®.


People and technology work together to ensure that emails sent from Taguchi® result in consistently high ISP deliverability.

Multi-channel marketing campaigns with email

Marketers know that the best way to interact and communicate with customers and prospects is through using a variety of channels and media.

All of an organisation’s channels and customer touch points must be integrated to convey a consistent and personalised experience that is meaningful and relevant to the customer and in the case of direct marketing it must be above all, timely.

With Taguchi, you can create a seamless cross-channel campaign experience that combines to create a highly targeted and effective communication for your customers and prospects.

Taguchi Taguchi Paths® will guide you through your journey and enable you to engage with to your customers on a personal basis based on business rules you determine for each message, each channel, and each customer.

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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