Taguchi provides a comprehensive API set and detailed website tracking capability.

Taguchi provides drag-and-drop web page creation tools, a comprehensive API set and detail website tracking capability.

Taguchi enables you to capture subscriber website engagement and profile data through standard fields, populate custom fields and manipulate list subscriptions using a Taguchi Smart Web Form. You can feed data straight into Taguchi or your CRM through website tagging, which allows you to track interactions and produce real time reports.

Web forms are easy to use and integrate into your existing website, as we utilise the HTML form structure to submit data. They are highly customisable and adaptable using cascading style sheets to suit to your branding needs.

The Taguchi Smart Web Form provides a drag-and-drop interface to help you develop landing pages and web forms for your campaign.

Great for
  • Acquisition campaigns, competitions, surveys, events registration
  • Data capture
  • Linking with inbound SMS
  • Subscription preferences
  • Web-tracking reporting
Taguchi Smart Web Form

The Taguchi Smart Web Form provides a drag-and-drop interface to help you develop landing pages and web forms for your campaign.

Taguchi API

Taguchi offers a comprehensive API set along with multiple pre-configured wrappers for use within your website or applications. Capture subscriber data, send an automated welcome trigger email or SMS, and manage your subscribers all using our highly configurable API.

Website tracking

Taguchi provides insight into a wide range of web page behavioral tracking for both known (e.g. at subscriber level) and anonymous visits including cart abandon and conversion data. Clients can use these web interactions to inform a higher level of personalisation and automation of communication.

Multi-channel marketing campaigns with web

Marketers know that the best way to interact and communicate with customers and prospects is through using a variety of channels and media.

All of an organisation’s channels and customer touch points must be integrated to convey a consistent and personalised experience that is meaningful and relevant to the customer and in the case of direct marketing it must be above all, timely.

With Taguchi, you can create a seamless cross-channel campaign experience that combines to create a highly targeted and effective communication for your customers and prospects.

Taguchi Taguchi Paths® will guide you through your journey and enable you to communicate to your customers on a personal basis based on business rules you determine for each message, each channel, and each customer.

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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