Why Us?

We are more than just a software provider; we understand that our clients need to be able to partner with vendors that can tailor software to meet the specific needs of their business.

Most marketers understand the power and effectiveness of marketing automation platforms, and when you are looking for the best marketing automation platform for your business, there are a number of aspects to consider apart from product features and functionality.

We are more than just a software provider; we understand that our clients need to be able to partner with vendors that can tailor software to meet the specific needs of their business.

Taguchi is:
  • Australian owned with local customer support and platform development
  • Unique with patented optimisation technology
  • ISO27001 accredited
  • Transparent and honest, especially in terms of our pricing, people and approach
  • Agile

What’s more, we have an awesome internal professional services team that provides:

On-boarding support

We understand that switching providers can be a big ‘leap of faith’ for clients and the on-boarding process is a crucial step in the success of the platform for an organisation


We provide both operator and technical training on various components of the platform, and our support team is always here to help

Project management

We will manage the implementation of Taguchi for your business, from initial specification requirements through to working with you to map your customer journey and post implementation support

Strategic navigation support

A client’s CRM and automation strategy is not static, we understand it needs to evolve and improve over time and we work with clients on implementing best practice programs

Campaign management services

Our in-house campaign management team can assist with professional delivery of campaigns for clients either as an on-going or ad-hoc engagement

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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