Smart Template

Ready-made template to guide you through the creation and distribution process of your campaign.

The Taguchi Smart Template provides easy to use editors, customised business rules and helpful information to guide you through the creation and distribution process of your campaign.

This means you don’t need to be technically savvy to set up an effective and highly personalised digital marketing campaign.

The Taguchi Smart Template allows the content, customisation and personalisation to be unique for each individual activity you broadcast.

It keeps content separate from presentation, which means the same content can be presented in a variety of ways without affecting the technical coding.

With Taguchi, you can
  • Give your email design and presentation flexibility and ensure the consistency of your brand
  • Increase productivity through reducing the production time for future eDM campaigns.
  • Allow a staff member without formal technical or design skills to quickly create and send attractive and highly customisable emails.
  • Use cloning to retain the appearance of emails every time they are reused with fresh content, without having to re-test it with clients or browsers.
  • Adapt and display content relative to a device’s screen size
  • Minimise future technical development costs.

“Anyone in the marketing team can log into Taguchi® and send a targeted, segmented email without having to involve BAs or the IT team. The benefit to me is being able to get an email out really quickly when a sale is launched and attract traffic quickly.”

Webjet Dave Galt
Chief Executive Officer

With Taguchi, you can determine your own Smart Template business rules and other conditional logic. These rules can control elements such as:

Dynamic multivariate testing Customer segmentation Personalisation System integration coding Subscriber content preferences management Multiple brand control elements and creative themes

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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