Taguchi is part of the Global Microsoft Partner Network and is
dedicated to growing the range of integrated services between
the Taguchi system and Microsoft Azure.
We currently offer a variety of solutions for Microsoft clients.
These extend from integrating with Dynamics 365 to database
hosting options in Azure for Taguchi clients that want a local
(Australian) hosting alternative.
Other developments that will make moving between the Taguchi and
Microsoft environments easier such as Single sign-on are already
in the pipeline.
We are building a powerful integration between the Taguchi
system and key Microsoft products such as Power BI and Azure
Machine Learning. Combined with a single sign on capability,
this will deliver a seamless operator environment combined
with a constant exchanging of data between the systems to
ensure your programs continually grow and develop in
sophistication and effectiveness.
We will work directly with your in-house IT teams or with
your trusted Microsoft implementation partners to ensure you
make the most of all services available.