
Measure true ROI by tracking conversions and customising conversion attribution models.

Standard metrics such as opens and clicks are useful for measuring recipient engagement but they don’t always measure the ultimate success of your communications.

Taguchi can help you measure your campaign's true ROI, whether it’s e-commerce or in-store sales, all from our easy-to-use dashboard and PDF reports.

With Taguchi you can track conversions from both online and offline channels and undertake advanced campaign ROI analysis to ensure you maximise your return on investment from each campaign, each channel and each customer.

You can also customise conversion attribution models including customising goals for the different variations of conversions a client might have e.g. selling online vs downloading a brochure.

Activity and campaign level metrics include
  • Activity (email, SMS) conversion
  • Database conversion
  • Average sale value
  • Average sale value per email sent
  • Conversion to click rate
  • Testing conversion uplift

“Taguchi gives us greater insight into the behaviour of our loyalty database, as well as the ability to action this insight to drive increased ROI from customer communications both online and in store.”

Bras N Things George Wahby
Chief Executive Officer
Bras N Things

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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