
With intelligent device recognition, Taguchi can seamlessly adapt your campaign for mobile.

With the increasing adoption of mobile devices for email viewing, it is that mobile-centric design is no longer just a luxury; it has now become a necessity. What’s more, being able to capture mobile behaviour in your marketing automation platform will get you ahead of the game.

Behaviour Taguchi® allows you to capture mobile behaviour in your application, including transactions, user behaviour and device reporting.

Integration Taguchi® can integrate natively with your app or via third party pure play messaging systems such as Twilio, pushing notifications and making the email content appear as a notification within the application.

Content With intelligent device recognition, Taguchi® allows you to specify mobile-specific content, or what content to show if the message is being viewed on either a mobile or desktop.

SMS automation Taguchi® can help you manage the automation of both outbound and inbound SMS campaigns, either standalone or as part of a fully integrated multichannel campaign.

Mobile Responsive The Taguchi Smart Template® fits to every screen. This means you create your email once, and Taguchi takes care of optimising it to the screen it’s being opened on.

Send SMS The Taguchi® system makes it easy to send marketing messages by connecting to SMS gateways and providing an SMS template that can be activated either via manual broadcast or triggered using our API.

Multichannel Email and SMS activities set up within Taguchi® can be combined to create highly targeted and effective multichannel communication.

By end of 2018 nearly 80% of email users are expected to access their email on mobile devices only.

1 Email Statistics Report, 2014-2018, The Radicati Group

Multi-channel marketing campaigns on mobile

Marketers know that the best way to interact and communicate with customers and prospects is through using a variety of channels and media.

All of an organisation’s channels and customer touch points must be integrated to convey a consistent and personalised experience that is meaningful and relevant to the customer and in the case of direct marketing it must be above all, timely.

With Taguchi, you can create a seamless cross-channel campaign experience that combines to create a highly targeted and effective communication for your customers and prospects.

Taguchi Taguchi Paths® will guide you through your journey and enable you to communicate to your customers on a personal basis based on business rules you determine for each message, each channel, and each customer.

Find out what makes Taguchi simply powerful by scheduling a free demo.

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